SIMISA@@@@@@@@@@JINX0D0t______ Comment ( *************** Versione creata per OPEN RAILS 191220 ****************** aggiunti effetti fumo compressore e valvole del papa ) Wagon ( FS_GR740_080 Comment ( Renzo Grassi v. 1.0 2019 ) ORTSDavis_A ( 5882.4 ) ORTSDavis_B ( 21.8818 ) ORTSDavis_C ( 5.7501 ) Type ( Engine ) WagonShape ( FS_GR740_080.s ) Size ( 2.83m 4.362m 11.022m ) CentreOfGravity ( 0m 1.86m 0m ) Centre ( 0m 0m 0m ) Mass ( 66.5t # aderenti 56.4t ) InertiaTensor ( Box(2.83m 4.362m 11.022m) ) Coupling ( Type ( Bar ) Spring ( Stiffness ( 1e7N/m 1e6N/m ) Damping ( 2e6N/m/s 2e6N/m/s) r0 ( 10cm 20cm ) ) CouplingHasRigidConnection (1) ) Coupling ( Type ( Chain ) Spring ( Stiffness ( 1e7N/m 1e6N/m ) Damping ( 2e6N/m/s 2e6N/m/s) r0 ( 10cm 20cm ) ) CouplingHasRigidConnection (1) ) Buffers ( Spring ( Stiffness ( 1e6N/m 5e6N/m ) Damping ( 1e6N/m/s 1e6N/m/s ) r0 ( 0m 1e9 ) ) Centre ( 0.5 ) Radius ( 1 ) Angle ( 0.5deg ) ) Adheasion ( 0.1753 0.3506 3.393 0.5 ) DerailRailHeight ( 4cm ) DerailRailForce ( 100kN ) DerailBufferForce ( 332.5kN ) WheelRadius ( 0.430m ) NumWheels ( 10 ) Friction ( 2606.8N/m/s -0.15 4mph 9.24N/m/s 1.893 5.1N/rad/s 1 -1rad/s 0 1 ) Comment ( *************** Brakes - Wagon Section - General ********************** ) BrakeEquipmentType( "Triple_valve, Auxilary_reservoir, Emergency_brake_reservoir" ) BrakeSystemType( "Air_single_pipe" ) MaxBrakeForce( 56.4kN ) MaxHandbrakeForce ( 10kN ) TripleValveRatio ( 2.5 ) MaxReleaseRate ( 50.0 ) MaxApplicationRate ( 50.0 ) MaxAuxilaryChargingRate ( 20.0 ) EmergencyResChargingRate ( 20.0 ) BrakeCylinderPressureForMaxBrakeBrakeForce ( 50.0 ) EmergencyResCapacity ( "3.312*(ft^3)" ) Comment (Assume brake cylinder (16in) / auxiliary reservoir (3.312 cu ft)) BrakePipeVolume ( "0.596*(ft^3)" ) Lights ( 3 Light ( Type ( 1 #Front sphere of light ) Conditions ( Headlight ( 3 ) Unit ( 2 ) ) Cycle ( 0 ) FadeIn ( 2.8 ) FadeOut ( 2.8 ) States ( 1 State ( Duration ( 0.0 ) LightColour ( ffffffff ) Position ( 0 3.4 6.86 ) Transition ( 0 ) Radius ( 200.0 ) Angle ( 75.0 ) ) ) ) Light ( Type ( 0 #Front Left lamp ) Conditions ( Headlight ( 3 ) Unit ( 2 ) ) FadeIn ( 2.8 ) FadeOut ( 2.8 ) Cycle ( 0 ) States ( 1 State ( Duration ( 0.0 ) LightColour ( aaffff99 ) Position ( -0.87 1.61 4.9 ) Azimuth ( 0.0 -5.0 5.0 ) Transition ( 0 ) Radius ( 0.9 ) ) ) ) Light ( Type ( 0 #Front Right lamp ) Conditions ( Headlight ( 3 ) Unit ( 2 ) ) FadeIn ( 2.5 ) FadeOut ( 2.5 ) Cycle ( 0 ) States ( 1 State ( Duration ( 0.0 ) LightColour ( aaffff99 ) Position ( 0.87 1.61 4.9 ) Azimuth ( 0.0 -5.0 5.0 ) Transition ( 0 ) Radius ( 0.9 ) ) ) ) ) Sound ( "..\\..\\common.sound\\2cyl_generic\\2c-100b-eng01.sms" ) ) Engine ( FS_GR740_080 Effects ( SteamSpecialEffects ( WhistleFX ( -0.616 4.137 -3.445 0 1 0 0.2 ) SafetyValvesFX ( 0 4.35 -2.247 0 1.25 0 0.45 ) StackFX ( 0 4.6 3.75 0 1.25 0 0.5 ) DrainpipeFX ( -1.5 1.258 -3.886 -0.4 -1 -0.2 0.05 ) Comment ( Cylinder - SX dietro) CylindersFX ( -1.056 0.370 3.6 -1 0 0 0.1 ) Comment ( Cylinder - SX avanti) Cylinders2FX ( -1.056 0.370 2.3 -1 0 0 0.1 ) Comment ( Cylinder - DX dietro) CylindersFX ( 1.056 0.370 2.3 1 0 0 0.1 ) Comment ( Cylinder - DX avanti) Cylinders2FX ( 1.056 0.370 3.6 1 0 0 0.1 ) Comment ( compressore ) CompressorFX ( 1.2 2.74 1.76 1 0 0 0.1 ) Comment ( iniettore destro ) Injectors1FX ( 1.2 1.0 -4.8 1 0 0 0.1 ) Comment ( iniettore sinistro ) Injectors2FX ( -1.2 1.0 -4.8 -1 0 0 0.1 ) ) ) Comment ( *** General *** ) Wagon ( FS_GR740_080 ) Type ( Steam ) MaxPower ( 980HP ) MaxForce ( 144kn # 96.9Kn aderenti ) MaxVelocity ( 56km/h ) IsTenderRequired( 1 ) WheelRadius ( 0.685m ) Sanding ( 1e9mph ) NumWheels ( 10 ) ORTSDriveWheelWeight ( 50.4t ) Comment ( *** Boiler *** ) BoilerLength ( 4.8m ) BoilerVolume ( "10*(m^3)" ) ORTSEvaporationArea ( "152*(m^2)" ) comment (1m² = 10.764ft²) MaxBoilerPressure ( 177.5psi ) comment (1 atm = 14.69 psi) SuperHeater ( 1.0) Comment ( Used to set locomotive to superheated ) ORTSSuperheatArea ( "41*(m^2)" ) Comment (Not required for saturated locomotives) BoilerEffectivity ( 1.2 ) DraftingEffect ( 0.85 ) BoilerResponsiveness ( 1.2 ) CoalBurnage ( 3.5lb/hp/h ) MaxBoilerOutput ( 8100lb/h ) MaxBoilerPressure ( 170.7psi ) Comment ( *** Cylinders *** ) NumCylinders ( 2 ) CylinderStroke ( 70cm ) CylinderDiameter ( 54cm ) CylinderVolume ( "22.6*(ft^3)" ) CylinderEffectivity ( 0.57 ) ORTSCylinderEfficiencyRate ( 1.0 ) InjectorSizes ( 13mm 13mm ) ExhaustLimit ( 8910lb/h ) PrimingFactor ( 1 ) BlastExponent ( 1.5 ) MaxFireMass ( 1120lb ) IdealFireMass ( 1008lb ) MaxWaterMass ( 5800lb ) SafetyValvesSteamUsage ( 1620lb/h ) ShovelCoalMass ( 1lb ) SmokeCombustion ( 1 ) SteamSmokeUnitsPerPoundOfFuel( 6.3 ) SteamMaxSmokeUnitsReleaseRate( 5 ) Comment ( *** Fuel *** ) MaxTenderCoalMass ( 6000kg ) MaxTenderWaterMass ( 22000kg ) comment( 0 for live steam, 1 for exhaust steam ) InjectorTypes( 0 1 ) SuperHeater ( 1.3 ) Comment ( *** Fire *** ) ORTSFuelCalorific ( 13700btu/lb ) ORTSGrateArea ( "2.8*(m^2)" ) SteamFiremanMaxPossibleFiringRate( 3000 ) ShovelCoalMass ( 14lb ) Comment (For manual fireman?? ) SteamGaugeGlassHeight( 6.6 ) MaxSteamHeatingPressure( 80 ) SafetyValvePressureDifference( 0.3 ) BasicSteamUsage ( 810lb/h ) BasicCoalUsage ( 245lb/h ) InjectorLimits1 ( 50psi 0.6 1 ) InjectorLimits2 ( 60psi 0 1 ) Injector1FeedRateMultiplierLive ( 0.5 ) Injector2FeedRateMultiplierExhaust ( 0.5 ) CylinderCocksPowerEfficiency ( 0.85 ) SteamCylinderCocksOperation( automatic ) SteamSmallestCutoff( 0.08 ) NumberOfDamperSteps( 4 ) RegulatorValveType( Single_port ) RegulatorPilotValveExponent ( 0.33 ) SteamBlowerEffectExponent( 0.5 ) SteamBlowerEfficiencyExponent( 1.1 ) SteamBlowerMaxSteamUsageRate( 500 ) comment( lbs/h ) SteamBlowerMaxProportionOfBlastEffect( 0.3 ) BrakesEngineBrakeType( "Air_single_pipe" ) BrakesTrainBrakeType( "Air_single_pipe" ) BrakesEngineControllers( "Train, Independent" ) Comment ( *** Braking system *** ) Comment ( == Compressor, Reservoir and General == ) AirBrakesMainMaxAirPressure( 107.0 ) AirBrakesCompressorRestartPressure( 90.0 ) ORTSBrakePipeChargingRate ( 40.0 ) AirBrakesMainResVolume( 11.0ft^3 ) ORTSMainResChargingRate ( 0.575 ) TrainPipeLeakRate ( 0.0833 ) Comment ( == Automatic Brake valve - Train == ) TrainBrakesControllerMaxSystemPressure( 70 ) TrainBrakesControllerMaxReleaseRate( 1.0 ) TrainBrakesControllerMaxQuickReleaseRate( 20.0 ) TrainBrakesControllerMaxApplicationRate( 1.0 ) TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyApplicationRate( 30.0 ) TrainBrakesControllerFullServicePressureDrop( 25.0 ) TrainBrakesControllerMinPressureReduction( 7.0 ) Comment ( == Independent Brake valve - Engine & Tender == ) EngineBrakesControllerMaxSystemPressure( 70 ) EngineBrakesControllerMaxReleaseRate( 1.0 ) EngineBrakesControllerMaxQuickReleaseRate( 20.0 ) EngineBrakesControllerMaxApplicationRate( 1.0 ) EngineBrakesControllerEmergencyApplicationRate( 30.0 ) EngineBrakesControllerFullServicePressureDrop( 25.0 ) EngineBrakesControllerMinPressureReduction( 7.0 ) comment (CabView ( 740.cvf )) CabView ( FS_GR740_2.cvf ) HeadOut ( -1.590 3.160 -5 ) EngineControllers ( Regulator ( 0 1 0.02 0 NumNotches( 0 ) ) Cutoff ( -0.75 0.75 0.01 0.3 NumNotches( 0 ) ) Brake_Engine ( 0 1 0.025 0 NumNotches( 3 Notch(0 1 EngineBrakesControllerReleaseStart ) Notch(0.45 1 EngineBrakesControllerHoldStart ) Notch(0.5 1 EngineBrakesControllerApplyStart ) ) ) comment ( freno Westinghouse ) Brake_Train ( 0 1 0.25 0.5 NumNotches( 5 Notch(0 0 TrainBrakesControllerFullQuickReleaseStart ) Notch(0.25 0 TrainBrakesControllerReleaseStart ) Notch(0.5 0 TrainBrakesControllerHoldStart ) Notch(0.75 0 TrainBrakesControllerFullServiceStart ) Notch(1.0 0 TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyStart ) ) ) FireDoor ( 0 1 0.1 0 NumNotches( 0 ) ) Sanding( 0 1 0 ) Blower ( 0 1 0.025 0.2 NumNotches( 0 ) ) HeatingTap ( 0 1 0.1 0 NumNotches( 0 ) ) Shovel ( 0 1 0.1 0 NumNotches( 0 ) ) DampersFront ( 0 1 0.1 1 NumNotches( 0 ) ) DampersBack ( 0 1 0.1 0 NumNotches( 0 ) ) Injector1Steam ( 0 1 0 ) Injector2Steam ( 0 1 0 ) Injector1Water ( 0 1 0.1 0 NumNotches( 0 ) ) Injector2Water ( 0 1 0.1 0 NumNotches( 0 ) ) CylinderCocks ( 0 1 1 ) Whistle ( 0 1 0 ) SmallEjectorOrCompressor( 0 1 1 ) BellToggle( 0 1 0 ) Headlights( 0 1 0 ) ) comment(fire temp, fire mass, water mass, boiler pressure, tender_water_mass, tender_coal_mass, smoke_quantity, fire_condition, coal quality ) EngineVariables( 770 1120 4466 170.71 22000 6000 350 1 1 ) Sound ( "..\\..\\common.sound\\2cyl_generic\\2c-100b-cab01.sms" ) Name ( "FS Gr 740.080 (1918-50)" ) Description ( "Locomotiva a vapore, costruita in due serie per un totale di 470 unità, "+ "negli anni dal 1911 al 1923. E' sicuramente una delle più famose locomotive "+ "italiane ed è anche una di quelle di cui, fortunatamente, sono arrivati "+ "più esemplari fino ai giorni nostri. Fu una locomotiva di enorme successo, "+ "prova ne sia il gran numero di unità prodotte, che ha circolato ovunque in Italia.\n\n"+ "Rodiggio : 1'D\n"+ "N° cilindri: 2 gemelli\n"+ "Distribuzione: Walschaerts\n"+ "Peso: 66.5 t\n"+ "Potenza: 980 CV\n"+ "Velocità massima: 65 km/h\n"+ "Diametro ruote motrici: 1370 mm (prima serie 1360 mm)\n"+ "Lunghezza: 11.04 m (lunghezza totale con tender a carrelli: 19.885 m)" ) EngineOperatingProcedures ( "To move forward\n"+ "1. Press the W key several times to move the Reverser to full Forward.\n"+ "2. Press the ; (SEMICOLON) key to release the train brakes.\n"+ "3. Press the [ (LEFT BRACKET) key to release the locomotive brake.\n"+ "4. Press the D key to increase the Regulator setting.\n"+ "5. As you accelerate, press the S key to slowly reduce the Reverser setting, then adjust the Regulator to maintain the desired speed.\n\n"+ "To slow the train\n"+ "1. Press the A key to move the Regulator to a lower setting.\n"+ "2. Use the brakes to further reduce speed if desired.\n\n"+ "To apply the train brakes\n"+ "1. Press the ' (APOSTROPHE) key to apply the train brakes.\n\n"+ "To release the train brakes\n"+ "1. Press the ; (SEMICOLON) key to release the train brakes.\n\n"+ "To apply the locomotive brake\n"+ "1. Press the ] (RIGHT BRACKET) key to apply the locomotive brake.\n\n"+ "To release the locomotive brake\n"+ "1. Press the [ (LEFT BRACKET) key to release the locomotive brake.\n\n"+ "To back up\n"+ "1. Bring your train to a full stop.\n"+ "2. Press the S key several times to move the Reverser to the full Reverse position.\n"+ "3. Press the ; (SEMICOLON) key to release the brakes.\n"+ "4. Slowly advance the Regulator (D key).\n\n"+ "To load and unload passengers\n"+ "1. Stop at a station.\n"+ "2. Press the ENTER key.\n"+ "3. Wait for the \"permission to depart\" whistle.\n"+ "TIP: Use the Next Station driving aid (F10) to monitor loading and unloading.\n\n"+ "To couple to a car or locomotive\n"+ "1. Coast into the unit at a very slow speed, about 4 Km/h.\n"+ "TIP: To use the Coupling view, press the 6 key.\n"+ "2. Press F9 to open the Train Operations window.\n"+ "3. If the icon for the unit you coupled to is red, the handbrake is on. Double-click the car to release the handbrake.\n"+ "4. Close the Train Operations window.\n\n"+ "To uncouple from a car or locomotive\n"+ "1. Press F9 to open the Train Operations window.\n"+ "2. Double-click a unit in the part of the train you want to uncouple from the locomotive, to set the handbrake.\n"+ "3. Double-click the coupler between the units you want to uncouple and the rest of the train.\n"+ "4. Click the green 'coupler' between the units you want to uncouple.\n"+ "5. Click the Uncouple button.\n"+ "6. Close the Train Operations window.\n\n"+ "Firing commands (Automatic Fireman OFF in Options screen)\n"+ "To add coal to the firebox\n"+ "1. Press the F key to open the Firebox door.\n"+ "2. Press the R key to increase the shoveling rate.\n\n"+ "To stop adding coal to the fire\n"+ "1. Press SHIFT+R to decrease the shoveling rate.\n"+ "2. Press SHIFT+F to close the firebox door.\n"+ "To operate the blower\n\n"+ "1. Press the N key to increase the blower.\n"+ "2. Press SHIFT+N to decrease the blower.\n\n"+ "To operate the dampers\n"+ "1. Press the M key to open the dampers.\n"+ "2. Press SHIFT+M to close the dampers.\n\n"+ "To inject water into the boiler\n"+ "1. Press the I key to turn on the steam to Injector 1.\n"+ "(You can also press the O key to turn on the steam to Injector 2.)\n"+ "2. Press the K key to increase the water flow to Injector 1.\n"+ "(To increase the water flow to Injector 2, press the L key.)\n\n"+ "To stop boiler water injection\n"+ "1. Press the I key to turn off the steam to Injector 1.\n"+ "2. Press the O key to turn off the steam to Injector 2." ) )