Locomotive a vapore FS a scartamento normale

Tutte le unità sono metriche: lunghezza in mm, area in m2, peso in tonnellate, pressione in atmosfere.
ATTENZIONE: questa pagina è una copia della originale di J.D.H. Smith visibile ai link in fondo.

Classe Rodriggio Diam. assi
Diametro x Corsa
Area di
di evap.
di surr.to
102 1A1 1875 400x505   7 12 29 1.3 92 none Südbahn 2
102 1A1 1880 405x510   7 12 29 1.3 90 none Südbahn 1'
119 1B 1510 400x630 10 26 39 1.6 129 none MÁV 238
122 1B 1580 410x630   9 23 32 1.4 120 none Südbahn 18
187 C 1220 460x630 10 40 40 1.7 125 none MÁV 326
193 C 1245 460x630   6.8 38 38 1.6 122 none Südbahn 29
194.001 C 1180 435x630 10 35 35 1.8 111 none KköStB 34
194.003 C 1180 435x630 10 35 35 1.6 118 none KköStB 34
195 C 1180 435x630 10 35 35 1.8 111 none KköStB 35
196 C 1180 435x630 10 33 33 1.7 128 none KköStB 135
198 C 1265 420x630 10 35 35 1.7 122 none KköStB 32
200 C 1330 450x650   9 35 35 1.4 127 none RM 3191
201 C 1220 460x630 10 40 40 1.7 125 none MÁV 326
209 C 1440 450x650   9 38 38 1.9 139 none MÁV 340
211 C 1220 460x630   8.5 40 40 1.7 128 none MÁV 335
217 C 1175 445x630 10 39 39 1.9 133 none KköStB 54
218 C 1175 475x630 10 38 38 1.7 137 none KköStB 53
219 C 1175 445x630 10 38 38 1.9 133 none KköStB 50
222 C 1260 435x630 10 39 39 1.9 133 none KköStB 47
223 C 1260 450x630 11 41 41 1.9 133 none KköStB 48
255 C 1330 480(1)/650(1)x650 12 41 41 1.6 123 none RM 3761
260 C 1330 430x630 12 42 42 1.6 127 none RM 3551
261.001 C 1260 450x630 10 42 42 1.8 132 none KköStB 56
261.005 C 1260 450x630 11 42 42 1.8 134 none KköStB 56
262.001 C 1365 470x630 10 41 41 1.9 135 none OeNWB XIa
262.002 C 1365 470x630 12 42 42 1.9 148 none OeNWB XIb
265 C 1380 457x610   9 35 35 1.4 116 none RM 3731
268 C 1510 420x600   9 34 34 1.2 108 none RA 3051
269 C 1510 450x650 10 41 41 2.0 108 none  
270 C 1510 450x650 10 44 44 1.8 115 none  
271 C 1340 450x630 10 40 40 1.5 116 none KPEV G3
272.001 C 1340 450x630 12 41 41 1.5 116 none KPEV G41
272.005 C 1340 460(1)/650(1)x630 12 41 41 1.5 116 none KPEV G42
290 C 1510 455x650 12 44 44 2.0 121 none  
291 C 1245 480x610 10 42 42 1.7 118 none Südbahn 32b
292 C 1260 480x610 11 42 42 1.8 128 none Südbahn 32c
293 C 1575 430x610 12.7 37 37 1.5 99 7 WD Dean Goods
380 C 1590 430x610 10 37 37 1.6 100 none MR Kirtley
420 D 1220 530x610 10 55 55 2.2 160 none SFAI 1221
422 D 1350 600x660 12 59 59 2.4 138 40 KPEV G8
423 D 1085 500x610 11 52 52 2.2 154 none Südbahn 35d
452 D 1260 500x610   9 51 51 2.2 170 none Südbahn 35a
453 D 1085 500x610 11 52 52 2.2 154 none Südbahn 35b
454 D 1085 500x610   9 50 50 2.2 148 none Südbahn 35c
455 D 1070 500x610   9 47 47 1.8 183 none Südbahn 34
470 E 1370 375/610x650 16 75 75 3.5 213 none Bunker on engine
471 E 1370 400/610x650 14 77 77 3.5 175 42 Bunker on engine
473 E 1400 630x660 12 77 77 2.6 142 59 KPEV G10
477 E 1258 560(1)/850(1)x630 13 66 66 3.0 183 none KköStB 180
480 1'E 1370 670x650 12 75 87 4.6 217 60  
500 2'B 1800 420x600 10 27 44 2.1 108 none RS 51
512 2'B 1580 410x630   7 23 35 1.2 126 none Südbahn 19
513 2'B 1920 410x630 12 27 45 2.0 106 none Südbahn 16b
542 2'B 1740 425x600 11 27 43 2.0 108 none Südbahn 17b
552 2'B 1920 480x600 12 30 48 2.3 164 none RA 180 bis
553 2'B 1980 550x630 12 35 61 2.3 137 40 KPEV S6
560 2'B 2100 450x600 12 31 50 2.3 164 none RM 1701
600 1'C 1510 410(1)/650(1)x700 14 43 54 2.4 124 none Inside cylinders
623 1'C 1530 490x700 12 46 56 2.4 89 34 Ex 625, 2 preheaters
625 1'C 1530 490x700 12 43 54 2.4 109 34 Inside cylinders
630 1'C 1850 430(1)/680(1)x700 14 44 55 2.4 124 none Inside cylinders
640 1'C 1850 540x700 12 44 55 2.4 109 34 Inside cylinders
645 1'C 1370 480x650 12 47 60 3.1 215 none  
652 2'C 1500 500x680 13 42 61 2.9 167 none Südbahn 32f
653 2'C 1700 550x650 13 43 67 3.6 167 67 Südbahn 109
656 2'C 1675 500(1)/730(1)x640 13 45 63 2.4 126 none RM 3061
666 2'C 1850 380x610/635x660 14 48 66 3.1 179 none  
670 C2' 1980 360(2)/590(2)x650 14 44 71 3.0 167 none 6701, ex RA 5001
670 C2' 1980 360(2)/590(2)x650 14 43 70 3.0 151 none 6702
670 C2' 1980 360(2)/590(2)x650 14 44 71 3.0 211 none 6706
671 C2' 1980 360(2)/590(2)x650 14 44 71 3.0 100 48 Ex 670
672 C2' 1980 360(2)/590(2)x650 14 45 72 3.0 100 48 Crosti tender
680 1'C1' 1850 360/590x650 16 45 70 3.5 213 none  
681 1'C1' 1850 360/590x650 14 47 72 3.5 175 42  
683 1'C1' 1850 420x650(4) 12 48 76 3.5 124 55 Ex 686, 2 preheaters
685 1'C1' 1850 420x650(4) 12 47 72 3.5 192 49 Walschaerts
686 1'C1' 1850 420x650(4) 12 46 72 3.5 192 49 Caprotti
690 2'C1' 2030 450x680(4) 12 54 87 3.7 210 67  
691 2'C1' 2030 450x680(4) 12 54 91 4.3 237 67 Rebuilt 690
729 1'D 1258 540(1)/800(1)x630 12 57 69 3.4 225 none KköStB 170
730 1'D 1370 490(1)/750(1)x700 14 56 66 2.8 200 none  
735.001 1'D 1370 540x700 12 59 67 2.9 153 43 Sloping throat
735.109 1'D 1370 540x700 12 60 67 3.2 162 43 Upright throat
736 1'D 1445 483x660 14 63 74 3.8 165 44 USATC S160
740 1'D 1370 540x700 12 56 66 2.8 153 41  
741 1'D 1370 540x700 12 59 68 2.8 102 43 Ex 740, 1 preheater
743 1'D 1370 540x700 12 62 72 2.8 102 43 Ex 740, 2 preheaters
744 1'D 1630 600x720 12 59 72 2.8 192 51 745 with outs. cyls.
745 1'D 1630 580x720 12 57 69 2.8 192 51 Inside cylinders
746 1'D1' 1880 490/720x680 14 65 94 4.3 237 67 Walschaerts
747 1'D1' 1880 490/720x680 14 65 94 4.3 237 67 Caprotti
750 2'D 1400 540(1)/800(1)x680 14 58 75 4.8 178 none RM: Original boiler
750 2'D 1400 540(1)/800(1)x680 14 58 75 4.4 195 none 1906
750 2'D 1400 540(1)/800(1)x680 14 58 75 3.5 213 none New boiler
800 Bt 1095 290x400 13 26 26 1.0 45 14 Vert. blr; water tube
802 Bt 850 260x400 11 17 17 0.8 34 none Südbahn 3c
803" Bt 1070 310x500 12 25 25 1.0 54 none Südbahn 3b1
826 Ct 1085 360x520 11 33 33 1.3 80 none KköStB 394.44
829 Ct 1310 380x580 12 40 40 1.3 78 none  
830 Ct 1310 380x580 12 45 45 1.5 110 none  
831 Ct 1370 420x610 14.8 46 46 1.8 81 none USATC S100
835 Ct 1310 420x580 12 45 45 1.5 78 none  
851 Ct 1510 430x580 12 44 44 1.5 94 none RA 270
870 Ct 1510 370x550 12 38 38 1.3 90 none  
875 1'Ct 1510 390x580 12 40 50 1.5 94 none  
876 1'Ct 1140 370(1)/570(1)x570 13 28 39 1.4 74 none KköStB 99
877 1'Ct 1140 370(1)/570(1)x570 13 30 43 1.4 74 none KköStB 199
880 1'Ct 1510 450x580 12 40 52 1.5 77 32  
893 Dt 1100 420(1)/650(1)x570 13 48 48 1.6 87 none KköStB 178
895 Dt 1095 530x520 12 59 59 1.6 123 none  
896 Dt 1095 540x520 12 60 60 1.6 100 42  
900 C1't 1370 450x600 10 43 53 1.6 99 none  
905 1'Ct 1370 455x700 12 46 56 1.8 110 none  
910 1'C1't 1490 460(1)/700(1)x600 13 44 66 2.4 141 none RS 401
940 1'D1't 1370 540x700 12 62 87 2.8 153 41 Tank version of 740
980 Crt 1040 430/430x500 14 44 44 1.8 88 none LP rack cyls.
981 Crt 1040 450/450x500 14 47 47 1.8 86 27 LP rack cyls.

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